Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mirror, mirror...

I have to confess that I am a little obsessed with mirrors. I am not sure why but I think it was probably because my mom decorated with them, she had them all over our house. We moved to Mexico for a little while and she dragged all her favorite mirrors with her and made our house our "home". While my moms taste in mirrors are similar to mine, I find the fancier the better for me. I would love to have a beautiful, huge, antique mirror one day. Until then, Pinterest will have to do.


Mirror mirror on the wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall

mirror mirror!!!

#mirror mirror on the #wall

mirror mirror on the wall

mirror mirror on the wall

mirror mirror on the wall...

Mirror, mirror.....


florid and elaborate does not meet everyone's taste

                                all images from pinterest

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