Saturday, April 21, 2012

Easy DIY light fixture

Hello and Happy Spring! It finally feels like spring here in Utah and I am both happily enjoying it and fearing it! We don't have an AC in our house(!) and its already promising to be a HOT one. Anyhoo, I did this little chandelier, if you can call it that, because I want to re-do some things in my girls' room this summer and this seemed like a good place to start. I found my inspiration from this lovely ladys' blog. Mine isn't as fancy or big as hers but my girls seem to love it!

                                I started out with a basket I got a yard sale for $1.00

I clipped out the + in the center with wire cutters and spray painted it pink.

This is what the fixture looked like in my girls' room. I took off the bubble, spray painted everything inside it......


                                                        this is how it turned out!

I really didn't want to leave it so exposed where the lightbulbs are, but I didn't know what else to do so the pink spray paint helped alot. I got the pearls for 50% off at Michaels and didn't even have to do a thing to them, just strung and tied them up. The glass pendants I got at the thrift store for 2.00.  I will most likely add more pearls and pendants as I find them, but for now, its not a bad start! Like I said, my girls love it and even Mr. H liked it better than the bubble.


  1. What a cute light fixture! New follower from the blog hop :)


  2. I'm your newest GFC follower from the blog HOP. Loving your blog!
    I want to invite you over to the Massive Monthly Giveaway going on right now.

  3. I'm stopping in from the blog hop. I'm following. I host a weekly link party on Wednesdays and I'd love for you to link up your latest posts. You can find me at

  4. Hi Noni!

    I'm Amanda and I'm co-hosting the Networking Blog Hop. I blog at Royal Daughter Designs. I just wanted to say hi and thanks for linking up! I hope the hop was a success for you!

    Oh! And the chandelier is beautiful - you did a great job!

    Be blessed.

  5. This is so creative, I love it...I am your newest follower from the networking blog hop! I would love if you would stop by my blog and if you like what you see follow back :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

  6. Hi Noni: I'm Connie at, your new GF friend. I would love it if you stop by and be mine, too.
    I think it turned out great. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I'm a new follower to your fun blog via the blog hop. Have a great week!


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