Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Healthy, Delicious XOcai chocolate

A few months ago, a good friend told me about a chocolate company that her aunt owned and was planning on re-launching it in the near future and wanted me to get on board before it went BIG. I went to a meeting, ate some chocolate and signed up. I will admit, I did it mostly because she is my friend and it was her family's company and I thought it would be great to start at the top. My family and  I  have been eating the chocolate for a few months now and  I can tell you that it is great chocolate and has made a difference in the way we feel and eat. I have way more energy, don't get my headaches that I used to get, and I sleep better. My husbands knee doesn't hurt him like it used to. My daughters skin rashes have cleared up and we haven't gotten sick this winter. Since we eat the chocolate, we don't crave sweets like we use to and I have even lost a few pounds because I am not eating a dessert EVERY night like before! I know, it sounds crazy that ALL this could come from eating chocolate. But I will tell you why, this chocolate is COLD PRESSED, non-alkalized, Antioxidant-rich cacao! This chocolate is made with Belgian chocolate and is infused with a special blend of Acai, Cocoa, and Blueberry powders. All you have to do is google the amazing benefits of acai, cocoa and blueberries to be convinced that this chocolate is incredible.
Total flavonoids: recent studies on cacao have concluded that best results were obtained by consuming daily 600-900mg of Total Flavonoids, plant based antioxidants that help the body's cells resist damage by free radicals. XOcai X Power squares have an astounding 1740mg of Total Flavonoids PER serving!! You would have to eat 5 pounds of grapes, or 23 cups of spinach to get the same amount that are in 3 PIECES of X Power squares! Starting to see why we have felt better?!

I could seriously go on and on about the benefits of dark chocolate, such as heart health benefits, helps protect your skin against the sun, and can actually help your health, but that would be a super long post.

Interested? Check out my website: and see if there is an option that you would like. Its great chocolate and you might be surprised at the price tag, but it adds up to the same price of buying a really good (not the best) chocolate bar a day. I am here to say its WAY easier than eating over 20 cups of spinach a day!

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