Monday, September 5, 2011


September. My b-day is today and my sisters was on the 3rd. We are the same age for 2 days. I also love that my b-day is always close to Labor Day, makes it a legit reason to go out and have some fun! (Hope it lasts a little longer than my summer did.)So since its my birthday I decided to post things I am really loving right now....

Warm enough for skirts, cool enough for sweaters.

Mini tacos and tequila. I'll take half a dozen.

Colorful hair

Love Liv Tyler and her dress

Kinda random, but awesome

Someday soon!

Light sweaters and scarves, cozy lattes, and brown!!

Hope YOU had a great Labor Day!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah i want her body too, and those taco's and tequila....yumm!


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