Thursday, October 27, 2011


Like everyone else I love this time of year; the fall leaves, the crisp air, the smell of warm cozy fireplaces, comforting stews and soups, hot chocolate....the list goes on and on. One of the things we were looking forward to the most was having our own Halloween party! I was bombarded with all of the things that are available online, and the clever ideas! I am posting a few of my favorites and hopefully can post my own soon!

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How cool is that?!

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Spooky centerpieces

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My kind of spread

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Mexican Hot Chocolate

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Imagine the satisfying crunch of leaves!!
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I LOVE pumpkin mousse!
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All images from Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for entering my giveaway. I see a few new names that subscribed. What was the name you entered with?


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