Thursday, January 19, 2012


Every January, after all the Christmas deorations have been put away, my house feels so lonely and bare. This year I decided to keep it simple and somehow get the kids involved (since there is NO SNOW!!!) I decided to do red Cardinals since they are still kinda Christmasy and wintery at the same time. Plus I just love the simplness of red, white and black together. And my girls helped me make snowflakes to string up which added alot of charm!

LOVE everything about this

kate living room cg
Love the branch

So festive and creative

Snowflake garland
thought this was lovely

And here is what I came up with:


By my bar, the felt bucket was my daughters contribution

Snowflake mobile, above dining room table

Saved my favorite cards on my fancy toast holder 

Images 1 &3
Image 2
image 5

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