Tuesday, February 7, 2012


This may sound a little weird, but this year I am kinda excited about Valentine's Day. Weird in that shouldn't I ALWAYS be excited about Valentines Day?  I know a lot of girls that are obsessed with this holiday but I personally have never caught onto the hype, and it doesn't help that my husband never has either. I honestly can't remember the last time he brought me something for V-day. And I am ok with that. However, this year, my sister offered to babysit for me so that the Mr. and I could go out and do something.While I am determined, honestly, I am kinda at a loss. Obviously I havent decided exactly what we are going to do, so if anyone has any ideas send them my way! I know, sad right?! While we are pondering, lets enjoy these lovely Valentines day inspired images.

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blushing pink(love mr. hooter)

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loving treats

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romantic ruffles

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lucite LUST

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i heart comfy

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true love?

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                                                                            images via, yes, pinterest

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