Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Weight Wednesday

I know, awesome title right? I couldn't think of anything else. I am on day 7 down 4 pounds and I have really been enjoying all the fruits and veggies. Sure I miss cake and pasta and BREAD, but its not like its permanent so I just tell myself this like 100 times a day. I eat alot of salads with no dressing, just salt and vinegar and drink alot of water. I also take my vitamins and drink 2 tbsp. of organic raw apple cider vinegar a day. I am feeling better, a little low on energy and for some reason I get these weird hot flashes. I am not an expert and I know that you should only lose 1 pound a week, but if I am eating alot of veggies and lean proteins and not starving myself I figure this is ok. I have also been doing light yard work/digging/planting etc. I figure that is what is burning the calories. Anyway, I also plan on re-painting this little bench that my sister found for free. It fits perfectly on my front entrance, can't wait to find the perfect color!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your progress! 7 days of exercising will power is beyond amazing, I think I'd crash on day 3!!


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