Friday, May 18, 2012

Very random...

So May is almost over and not one post yet. I don't know how the days just fly by. I have some projects coming up, trying not to get to overloaded. Anyhoo, its that time again...dieting time. I havent been sleeping well, none of my clothes fit, I am moody and un-enthusiastic. All of which SUCK. I am going to do a pretty hard one, (for me, ANY diet is HARD) just eat lean proteins and veggies and minimal fruits. I loathe counting calories but I eat practically zero processed, boxed, fake food anyway so thats why I never counted. In fact, I don't know how I got so out of my 'comfortable weight zone'. I make all my own meals from scratch, little oil, and not very many sweets. Ah well, it happens. I am not trying to lose 50 lbs in a month, I have come to terms that I will never be a size 4-6 again and I am ok with that. I just don't want to struggle with walking or leaning over to tie my shoe. And I don't want to go out and buy new clothes. Now that I have blogged about it, its going down baby!

On another note, I am getting ready to plant a wee garden. There is this raised rock area in our yard full of grass and weeds that will be the perfect spot. I didn't have a garden last year and I felt the loss. I got my work cut out for me tho.

                               Nothing looks prettier than spring blossoms. Wish they lasted longer!

Found this little beauty at a yard sale for 10.00. It's a little small for what I wanted tho. I will still see if I can spruce it up a bit.

Love this place when it rains.

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