Saturday, June 30, 2012

Some of June

I have so many posts that I need to catch up on, and can't figure out where to even start! This heat makes me not want to do anything, except sit on the couch in little clothing as possible and drink lemonade all day.
But of course I wouldn't do that. Er, very often that is.

Its been a busy summer so far and we got to see a little of this:

Green River, Wy

                                                                              Southern Utah

Simple yet DELICIOUS grilled dinners in WY.

 And with this heat, the garden is thriving! Which is so exciting because this is the first time I have ever had a garden this big all on my own, its so addicting and the kids love it! 

What my garden started out as.

And now. It didn't die while we were gone, whew.

Broccolli coming along nicely

Made these one night, and instantly had guests and requests for visits. I have made them like five times since this picture and have a feeling it won't stop there.

I have this wall of 'gold' that I am kind of unsure of. I would like to paint it a more colorful color since my house has so much yellow in it. I just don't know if I will love it or end up missing the gold. I was thinking of an aqua color, I think thats the only color I could live with at this point. Anyway, like I said, any opinions would be appreciated!

Here it is:

Hope you're having a great weekend!

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