Saturday, July 14, 2012

Luau Party

Last month was my husbands birthday and while he wasn't turning a milestone age we wanted to do something for him this year since he never wants to do anything special. His birthday is pretty close to his younger brothers so we decided to do them together. It was a luau theme with bring your own steak. We didn't go to crazy with decor, but I wish I had more pictures!

The little bar we used that my cute lil' sis made

of course I had to use the mason jars and those cute straws

I should have taken a picture BEFORE they got eaten. oops.

I used wheat grass and sprouts in the bottom.

                                                                    Simple dipped oreos

chocolate mousse, a staple if you ask me

                                                                           the dessert table

              the giant chocolate covered cake. it was supposed to loosely 'resemble' a huge cupcake

                                                            me and some of my favorite girls!

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